Food waste is categorized as food that has been discarded or gone uneaten. It can consist of raw, cooked, edible, and inedible (bones, etc.) materials. In the United States more than 34 million tons of food waste is generated and 1.3 billion tons globally.

Generating this type of food waste has both economical and environmental consequences. No matter who you are, a portion of your income goes to buying food. Therefore, you are throwing away money. By taking part in simple practices you can decrease the amount of food waste in your household. Being conscious of the amount of food you’re purchasing, and how you store and prepare it can offer a reduction in your food waste.

Along with affecting the economy, food waste also has a significant impact on the environment. Generally food is disposed of in landfills. When food rots in these landfills it produces the greenhouse gas known as methane. An alternative to disposing food in landfills would be to recycle food waste through composts where it can enrich soil and reduce the need for fertilizers and in some cases pesticides. Overall, being more aware of your food waste production is important because while it has negative impacts on the economy and environment, there are ways people can reduce the amount of food they waste.